Kijanu „Jani“ Jaden

Jani ist zu Anfang der Story 17 Jahre alt, geht aufs Gymnasium und büffelt für den Führerschein. Er bringt keine üblichen Pubertätsprobleme auf, lehnt Alkohol und Drogen ab, hat zu seiner Mutter ein ebenso enges Verhältnis wie zu seinem Vater, der in der Nachbarstadt lebt. Mit Mädchen hat er noch kaum Erfahrung, sein Leben dreht sich vor allem um Musik. Er ist Leadsänger/Komponist der 3-Mann-Indy-Band ‚The Lazy Pals‘.

Sein neuester Song, eine Ballade namens The Island of Lost Dreams spielt eine entscheidende Rolle in den kommenden Ereignissen.

Hier kannst du dir das Lied anhören:

The Island of Lost Dreams
(written by Jani Jaden)

I was sailing
For a thousand years
Cruising the oceans
With a thousand tears

Searching the one that loves me forever
Longing for the love that leaves me never

Now that I found this island
You tell me not to go
You try to scare me away
With your freaky show

You reach for me with a thousand cries
Whispering in my ears a thousand lies
The Island of Lost Hopes is what you call it
The Island of Lost Dreams is what you call it

Beware, beware my tired friend
Don‚t go there or it will be your end
Don‚t give up on your dreams
Don‚t give up on your hopes
This isle is gonna chain you with iron ropes

I was walking
For a thousand years
Climbing the mountains
With eyes full of tears

Searching the home that keeps me forever
Longing for the heart that cheats me never

Now that I found this island
You tell me not to go
You try to scare me away
With your freaky show

You reach for me with a thousand cries
Whispering in my ears with a thousand lies
The Island of Lost Hopes is what you name it
The Island of Lost Dreams is what you name it

Beware, beware my lonely friend
Don‚t go there or it will be your end
Don‚t give up on your dreams
Don‚t give up on your hopes
This isle is gonna chain you with iron ropes

Beware, beware, beware
…keep on sailing…

Beware, beware my only friend
on‚t go there or it will be your end
Don‚t give up on your dreams
Don‚t give up on your hopes
This isle is gonna chain you with iron ropes

 Beware, beware, beware
…keep on walking…